Queen's Brian May is calling for another Live Aid to tackle climate change
8 May 2019, 13:43 | Updated: 16 January 2024, 11:25
Queen legend Brian May has called for another Live Aid-style concert to help tackle the issue of climate change.
The guitarist was a leading figure at the original event in 1985, when Queen played their most famous gig, and easily the best on the big night.
“It probably would take the younger generation to take that bull by the horns,” May told The Daily Mirror. “We’d help in any way we can but I think that’s what it would require.”
However, he realised that it might not be as easy as Live Aid to attract support.
“People have seen so many concerts since Live Aid purporting to be solving the problems of the world so it’s not quite as easy as it seems,” Brian admitted.

Queen - Radio GaGa - Live Aid : Wembley London 1985
Live Aid saw the likes of David Bowie, Elton John, U2, Paul McCartney and Sting performing in a bid to eradicate poverty.
A second show titled Live 8 occurred in 2005, in support of the UK's Make Poverty History campaign and the Global Call for Action Against Poverty.
Queen's legendary Live Aid show was recreated almost shot-for-shot in the 2018 movie Bohemian Rhapsody, which won several Oscars earlier this year.